Why This Blog

Are we merely onlookers over the well-being of future generation of females?

I HAVE BEEN living with endometriosis since that fateful day at age 13 when I was awakened by the worst physical pain ever experienced in my life thus far. I didn’t know the real cause of this for many years. “Hey, it’s just your period.” Sound familiar? Listen, my story could be your story.
     In my country, women have not been encouraged to face endometriosis like persons coping with a chronic disease.
     No, the first line of defence being advocated by too many specialists here is complete removal of the patient’s womb.
     The New York Presbyterian Hospital, and others, lists endometriosis as more common than AIDS and cancer among women. It is the most common chronic ailment affecting women and girls today.
     Imagine, 176 million females worldwide have been diagnosed with endo, and still many more times that have it, but remain undiagnosed, while the numbers continue to grow. That’s a staggering pandemic.
     Sisters, it hardly seems that anyone cares to inform us about this disease much less to help us against it. So the endo-coper has to get stepping herself.
     There is life past the pain. Learning where and how to access this life means making changes. ABC Endo is going to help you: providing methods applicable to where we are; sometimes with a certain irreverence, always with deep empathy.
     Think of your struggle as a game of chess, and yourself as the queen. Chess takes focus, a cool head and imaginative, but well-calculated strategies: all the things that will help you capably meet the challenges of endo.
     What’s more, the chess queen is the most powerful piece in the game. That’s what I want each of you to become: your most powerful champion in the battle against endometriosis.
     Endo is a real “do or die” situation. We all know there are many ways to die: in body, mind, soul, spirit. Always remember the flip side: there are many ways to live.  Take back your life!

             In beauty may you walk.

TOP: Young Carnival dancers 2019. Photo by Jhaye-Q