Brand New Year You

I WISH YOU WELLNESS IN THE NEW YEAR. And strength, courage and self-love to see that wellness come into being.

The truth is, my endometriosisters, that we are our best weapon to fight against endo. Or we are its greatest ally. In the end, as in the beginning, it is a choice.

The world will throw damaging food at us. Will you eat it? Some unethical doctors will tell us just remove our wombs or make a baby and that will "cure" endo. Will you obey? Survivors and thrivers of this chronic ailment will ably advise us of ways to manage an endo life for the better. Will you listen?

See? Choices.

Endometriosis can fall upon any woman. But, believe me, choosing to live well, even with endo, is within our grasp; because that, at least, is in our own hands. 


Many of us have what others of our sisters do not. We have the means to eat healthier and to access multiple medical advice and make informed decisions. We have the room to get health-boosting physical exercise and take measures to control our stress levels.

Best of all, we can now make connection with a world of generous, caring women who are practical experts on all things endo-management. They have each endured exactly what we have, and are now dedicatedly sharing information gathered over years of our same struggles; but that they met with different modes and methods.

Combatting your endometriosis is up to you.

Though we will help you 😘.

In beauty may you walk


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