A single step ... 999.99 miles more

What are you investing money and effort into: actual life?

THERE it goes again, I mention endometriosis, and the otherwise savvy, darling young woman opposite asks, "What's that?"
It happens. A LOT! Funny enough, when I gently drill any of the many assorted askers about her own menstruation experience, she's usually suffering five or more of the symptoms of endo. "But, that's not just how your period supposed to be?"
Ah, me.
Listen, you've got to start somewhere, and it usually helps to start small and with a picture. So here goes:
Endometriosis is like your period on testosterone. Wait. No. that would just be ironic to say, since testosterone has been used to combat hormone imbalances pushing endo-adversities. Thus, your possibly endo period on testosterone might actually be a good thing.
Okay, I used to refer to my endo as The Muskrat, and I used to say, "It's trying to get out again ... claws first." (I actually just looked up what a muskrat looks like and they are pretty cute. So all this time, I should have been thinking of a wolverine. Or maybe just Wolverine, adamantium claws and all.)
But, that reference is still too womb specific, too localised, too contained. Endo ain't like that!


Think of a bunch of life-negatives: pain, stress, anger, fear, doubt, embarrassment, guilt, anguish, frustration, loneliness, helplessness, desperation. Well, endometriosis can trace a line from your existence to many, most, all and more of these negatives.
Endo is life-altering.
That's why you have to alter your life to fight it.
Information is your answer. That seems too obvious to have to be said, but so it is. Then acting on USEFUL information is your next step forward. Logically.
I know. I truly know how terribly hard it is when endo has a hold on you. But you can join the ranks of women worldwide who are wresting back their power and reforming a life around this disease. That's what the ABC in the blog title is about, you know: Advancing Beyond Chronic Endometriosis.
This reformed life might (note, not "may") still include a lot of endo's woes, but it does not have to include its destruction of your will to live, thrive and glow.

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
Right on!

In beauty may you walk

Next post: Endo in Your Briefs? No. Endo in Brief

Photo by  Ferdinand Studio from Pexels