Covid Immunity 101: Breathe In, Work Out

Fresh air and sudden sprints: they do a body good.

IT’S AS EASY AS sweating and breathing, to begin boosting your immune system to fight Covid-19.

It’s the most straightforward way to combat other big bad “disease monsters,” including ghastly endometriosis flare-ups.

For those of you who might have just tuned in, I’m continuing dealing with the fact that:

"Current studies indicate immune system abnormalities play a significant part in women contracting endometriosis, now classified as an autoimmune disease."

You know, like diabetes, heart disease. People who suffer from any of these are at higher risk of contracting Covid. That means us, endo-gals. 

I’ve spent the last posts highlighting this challenge, and encouraging you to take a “get in front” attitude with whatever is lurking in life looking for weakened immune systems to pray upon.

The basic tested and proven premise is that people with strong, optimum-working immune systems fight of all sorts of “health ills”; or recover faster and much more efficiently. 

Perhaps you’d like to peruse the two previous posts, to catch up on, or review, the immunity information I’ve delivered thus far.



Get It In and Let It Out 

Dr. John Bergman, in a Youtube lecture on reversing arthritis (watch video), relates that “perspiration and respiration boost circulation.”

How? Add them up and you get detoxification. A clean car engine works better, right? Well our bodies as the best engines ever. See? 

One way to kick detoxification into fast gear is to get our exercise in. When you train, you work up a sweat and you work harder at breathing. Both help super-charge your body’s systems AND rally those same systems to regularly and properly flush toxins. 

Not only is that great for your skin; it’s like giving your immune system a “facelift,” too. How great is that!

Do you know what’s the number one recommendation to keep endo under control? Exercise. Win-win.



I  hear you: “But lockdown. But social-distancing.” 

My response: “But Covid quarantine. But endo bed-ridden.”

So come one girls! We can start unfussy and small, and grow as we go.

  • How many of us are glued to our tellies bingeing movies? Get a brick, or a couple of phonebooks taped securely together, or pull out that actual stepper you spent money on. Instead of reclining and reaching for the kettlecorn; while you watch the movie step up and down. Seriously. You’ll follow the film just as well, trust me. Begin with twenty minutes and build up till you can go for a full flick. As you get stronger, find ways to make it more challenging.
  • Whenever you have to head out, if it’s walking distance, shun closed up vehicles for fresh, open air. It’s easier to breathe through a mask outside than inside, yeah. Put some extra pep in your step; and remember, they add up.
  • Yoga, baby … Deep breaths, slow stretching, calm, sweet, surrender; but yoga makes you sweat. Not in a spinning-class way, yet potently, still. When it comes respiring, this ages old art form of a physical therapy can’t be beat. It’s low-impact, thus perfect for endometriosisters who DO NOT want to jiggle those nasty cysts. And you get to do a lot of it lying down.


Chat with friends and come up with other groovy ideas. Post a comment suggesting some and how it’s working for you. If I gather a few of those, I can put together a feature under the label, "What She Tried"  

Speaking of try, dear hearts, just try. Social distancing does not mean you are alone … or without power of your own. 

      In beauty may you walk

Photos by nappy from Pexels

Imbibe island insight from Trinidad and Tobago via: Jhaye-Q Shows

Access my free to use Caribbean visuals via: Jhaye-Q Trinbago Photography