Everything Zendo
IT IS the antithesis of "a rush." It is absolutely a slowing down.
That's how I feel when I attend, as tradition, the beginning session of the Raja Yoga's Women of Value, held the first Monday of each month. I've been attending for years: sometimes missing sessions, but never the one that starts off the year.
Each time I feel immersed in calm, connecting warmth, and walk away after awash with intentions of peace and love. This state is balance; and it can be an endo-copers best friend.
Kaizen (pronounced kye-zen) is the Japanese concept of "continuous improvement." You'll note the word zen in there.
Urbandictionary.com defines zen as "a total state of focus that incorporates a total togetherness of body and mind." When you are there, it's like the song: "Everything Zen."
Exactly the way endo-Women should enter into treating with this disease, even as early as your first steps into finding answers. Then, from there, you adapt into lifestyle changes for balancing all aspects of you, and keep continuously improving your chances to get the best of endo.
I wanted to prepare you to turn over a new leaf in your endo diary (more on that in a coming post), figuratively speaking, and accept, calmly, bravely, with wisdom and a dash of wit, that endo has changed your life.
However, if you change your life, on your terms and in your way, you will always win out over endo. If you do not get in front of challenges, they make you fall behind.
Photo by Loe Moshkovska from Pexels
Next post: Definitely question time
That's how I feel when I attend, as tradition, the beginning session of the Raja Yoga's Women of Value, held the first Monday of each month. I've been attending for years: sometimes missing sessions, but never the one that starts off the year.
Each time I feel immersed in calm, connecting warmth, and walk away after awash with intentions of peace and love. This state is balance; and it can be an endo-copers best friend.
What does this have to do with questions to ask my ob-gyn about endometriosis? you wonder.
Well, a balanced approach to anything is better by far than that done from fear or desperation.Kaizen (pronounced kye-zen) is the Japanese concept of "continuous improvement." You'll note the word zen in there.
Urbandictionary.com defines zen as "a total state of focus that incorporates a total togetherness of body and mind." When you are there, it's like the song: "Everything Zen."
Exactly the way endo-Women should enter into treating with this disease, even as early as your first steps into finding answers. Then, from there, you adapt into lifestyle changes for balancing all aspects of you, and keep continuously improving your chances to get the best of endo.
So we are aiming for everything zendo and everything kaizendo.
As this is my premier post of the new year, I did not want to just plunge you into a barrel of questions to ask about this ailment.I wanted to prepare you to turn over a new leaf in your endo diary (more on that in a coming post), figuratively speaking, and accept, calmly, bravely, with wisdom and a dash of wit, that endo has changed your life.
However, if you change your life, on your terms and in your way, you will always win out over endo. If you do not get in front of challenges, they make you fall behind.
Forget that! We are womb-warriors and we are advancing. Bring on the New Year!
In beauty may you walkPhoto by Loe Moshkovska from Pexels
Next post: Definitely question time