ENDOwed With Knowledge

endometriosis SOS

WOMEN are doing with endometriosis what they've done for millennia with everything else: they are taking charge, empowering themselves and getting on with the business of working things out.

         Yes, all around the globe sistuhs are partnering in diagnosis of and remedies for the disease. We've grown beyond the days when, as patients, we went along with the "It's not that bad" or "That's just natural" line.

         For those of you who have asked the major question: Do I have endometriosis? because you are experiencing symptoms in the spectrum, it ... is ...time. (SEE post: Endo, Have We Met? to compare) 

         Get to stepping and get thee to an ob-gyn!

         These come in all shapes and sizes; and some should sign up for the "Physician, heal thyself!" programme, the kind of warped ideas they sling.

         Here's to hoping you do NOT meet one of those.

         Good doctors who want patients to listen know they have to listen first. They won't be put off by questions about your health issue.
         It helps them to help you if you are both in the know. It helps you to help them if you ask pertinent questions. 

         To that end, here are a few:

  • What exactly is endometriosis?
  • What are ways to diagnose? Are there less invasive ways?
  • What are the effects of endo?
  • What are the most dangerous aspects of endo?
  • What are the types or stages? How would you determine the type?
  • What are the treatment options? Do they depend on what type I have?
  • What are specifically the medication options?
  • What may have caused my endo? If it's possibly things I can change (eating habits, drinking, environment) would that help?
  • How can I treat pain?
  • How can I treat heavy bleeding? Are there side effects to heavy bleeding?
  • How would I treat aenemia brought on by blood loss?
  • What are triggers? Can I identify mine?
  • What are flare-ups?
  • What is chocolate blood? 
    Stopping endo for future generations
    We need to know, least they suffer who come after us.

         And you go right ahead and ask anything else that comes to your mind as you talk with your specialist.
         Nobody knows you like you, remember that. So only you know your exact fears and concerns. Share and air with your doctor.

In beauty may you walk