Beauty and the Beastly

IF I SAID to women suffering under endometriosis, "Let's take a break from the pain. Who's on board?" I bet I know what most of you would say.
         So that's just what I'd like to do, although I said I was going into detail about what all might be causing your separate endo aches. I'll do that soon enough, but I felt we could use a breather from thoughts of (and actually feeling) pain.
         Now then, this will sound odd, but endometriosis can be enriching. Seriously. Oh, I would much rather have never had it, and I wish you could have lived your life without ever enduring it.
         Yet, sometimes the thing that helps us be better is the thing that made us ill in the first place ... metaphorically AND literally.

Still outstanding

         Experiencing endo has made me a more empathetic person towards those coping with illness. 
         I am certainly more savvy about overall healthcare, fitness and determining good lifestyle nutrition.
         I got turned on to herbs, essential oils, vitamins, minerals and other supportive type ways of treating with anything from agony to aging.
         I know so much more about living well, body, soul and mind, that I have wonderful insight to share with others to help them reach for better, too.
         The list is long. Life is still outstanding.
         So every now and then I'll make mention of something bright that I think came out of endo in my life. Bet I surprise you sometimes. Hey, why not give this a shot as well!
Without further ado: 

Endo Gave to Me

Endo is certainly beastly, but I have never met a woman who has endometriosis who did not look years younger than she is, barring when suffering a flare-up.
     When women experience menopause, it is the reduced production of estrogen that leads to some less flattering aspects. Some get hormone replacement treatments full of -- yep! -- estrogen.
     My theory is that since endo can be attributed to a hormone imbalance -- mainly the overproduction of estrogen -- the very thing that might be responsible for the disease could be the same that makes many women who have it look less than their years.
     If my theory holds water, many of us may ask, "Is it worth it?"
     Guess each of us has to answer that for herself.

Five Ways to Walk in Beauty

  • Smile often
  • Hum a happy, peaceful or upbeat tune often
  • Extend big and small acts of kindness to others regularly
  • Dance when no one is looking. Or even when they are
  • Say truthfully nice things about yourself inside every time you say something nice to someone outside

Feel free to add to the list and share with friends. Make a game of it!

And obviously, in beauty may you walk

Photo by Designecologist from Pexels