Endo's Price? Pound of Flesh

What did the endo-sufferer say to her body? "Stop hurting yourself! Stop hurting yourself!"

EXPERIENCE is subjective; and I said before: as each woman differs from the other so, too, does her experience with pain.
     I understand that successful coping with endometriosis can be a highly personal issue, especially when the disease itself can be quite "selective" in what it dishes out to one woman over another.
     Endo hurts you deeply: whether periodically (pun acknowledged); for sustained stretches, or the neverending-seeming kind that occurs with a prolonged flare-up. 
     It's nothing less than a pounding of your flesh. Trust me, it pays to know the particulars.
     If this is your first time here, please peruse the post before this one, as it cites several of what might be causing your endo agonies. I am listing more here. Then we'll all take a break from the pain for a bit ... at least the talking about it. 

   More What Causes Endometriosis Pain   

  • Lesions become engorged at period time and can cause intense menstrual cramps felt in the lower back as well as the abdomen
  • Reduced blood circulation from cysts blocking blood vessels
  • Vital organs face damage by invading endometrial tissue
  • Bloating, rectal pressure, painful bowel movements and other intestinal difficulties result from lesions formed in the area between the rectum and the uterus
  • Endometriosis on uterosacral ligaments makes sex painful
  • Endometrial growths in the cul-de-sac behind the uterus can force it into a tilted-back position, making sex painful
  • Endo can compress or stretch pain receptors, especially at specific times when tissues expand rapidly
  • The immune system gets compromised, causing malfunctioning pain receptors to be more sensitive, or meddling with proper pain coding signals
  • If ovarian cysts rupture, aside from resulting extreme pelvic pain, in rare cases peritonitis can set in. This is a life-threatening infection of the linings of the pelvic and abdominal cavities
Endo pain feels so BIG INside you

     Brace yourselves dearies: there may be reasons not yet identified. 
     Which is why it helps to study yourself as you cope with endo. I mean, you might lead to the unearthing of other pain causes by taking note of what you are enduring and seeking answers about it.
    Discovery of difficulties is what leads to eventual discovery of remedies for them. 
    Manage your stress, refer back to the Mankoski Pain Scale (use the Search bar), and determine to start keeping track of all things endo. Not to let it take over your life, but for the express opposite reason: you taking it under your control.
     In the next post, I'll start telling you how to go about that.

In beauty may you walk.