Beating Back the Front Line -- Best defence against Covid

A strong immune system is a "mask" you can wear all the time, and actually enhances your physical attributes, rather than hiding them.  

“My theory is that with endo we have FIRST LINE and SECOND LINE symptoms. Some symptoms which we accept as being caused by endo, may in fact be caused by the self same weak immune system that gave rise to our endo in the first place.”
                -- from Girl, Fight! Battling Covid

TAKE A SYSTEMS approach.

That’s advice to move any woman far forward in all aspects of her life: be it relationships, business or battling diseases like endometriosis. For the latter, taking a systematic and systemic approach to your symptoms helps you come away from merely trying to cope with endo, and gives you the power of management.

My theory is that many of the horrible symptoms we face with endometriosis might be simply “offshoot” aspects. Bloating, heavy bleeding, unbearable pain, anemia may be second tier/second line symptoms resulting from what caused our endo.

This is where combating endo and warding off Covid intersect: a powerful immune system is the best defence against both.

Immunogenic and proud

The body is protected by amazing sets of systems, be the “attacker” germ, poison, injury, toxin, psychological, mental, emotional. If we keep these systems functioning at peak, we need not fear damaging things out in the world that want to get inside our bodies to wreck havoc.

A weakened immune system is a FIRST LINE issue of endo, and may very well be what caused it and what’s keeping it around.

Whether we are trying to resist disease, or combat the one we already have, once we focus on our first line symptoms, we won’t have to waste time and energy on suffering or solving the many individual resultant second line symptoms.

Prevention is protection and vice versa.


weak vs IMMUNE

Remember that a weak immune system produces any, or many, of the following: fatigue, listlessness, repeated infections, inflammation, allergic reactions, slow wound healing, chronic diarrhoea, aches, pains, et al.  Consider yourself. Now then, does you immunity seem shaky or solid?

Boosting the immune system could eliminate some, most, even all of the above listed, as well as other endo challenges.

Immunity stimulation can be had via making changes to what you eat; how you exercise; where you look for health answers, and when you decide to alter your outlook on living with an autoimmune disease.

The idea is not to wait and work on immunity enhancement after you become ill; but to ensure your immune system retains strength and health, enough to resist illness altogether, or fight it off quickly if you succumb.

This is one of the most important aspects of preventative medicine, which is the cornerstone of the natural health revolution. Think about it: with Covid the mantra was, “The best way to stop the spread is to NOT get infected.” Prevention is better than cure any day of the week, because you might not be able to cure.

Improving Immunity via Naturopathy

The immune system and, indeed, every other system in your body, works more effectively when external factors are under control. We have to be mindful of what goes into our bodies, goes on around our bodies, and what our bodies undergo day to day. (My next post will provide applicable suggestions for this.)

Unlike westernised medicine and health care, most natural remedies and therapies are designed to nurture our bodies and ballast immunity. That’s because they involve activities, methods and nutrition that “do a body good” for real.

The healthiest among us can only benefit from prudent application of lifestyle practices that inarguably care for our bodies, with manageable negative side effects, if any. So make the effort and work hard for your immune system’s best. In return, it will do the same for you.


In beauty may you walk

Photo caption: Masked masquerader, Trinidad & Tobago Carnival 2019, Photo by Jhaye-Q

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