A Christmas Cure for Endo?
Good mothers safeguard and lend support. So too should endo copers "mother" themselves. |
THERE’S AN OLD LOVE SONG that goes: “Make every day
Christmas for your woman.” Can you imagine having a guy like that?
But here’s the thing, why can’t we, as whole, entire persons,
take that approach to our own lives for ourselves, when coping with a chronic
ailment like endometriosis?
Period neglect
Almost every woman on
Earth will have intimate, decades-long experience with menstruation. Yet, a
disease connected to it remains mostly obscure and unrecognisable to the very
people hardest hit by it.
That is a disturbing
indication of how little we women explore the natural, miraculous dynamics of
our period and ways in which we can live better with trials it might spill our
This in turn exposes how
little time most of us make to truly take good and proper care of ourselves on
the fronts that should really matter.
Thought, full of you
If Christmas is about
sacredness and warmth; showing appreciation and gratitude; giving meaningful
gifts and “Making merry and bright,” then if we endeavor to make every day like
Christmas for ourselves as we live our lives and face our challenges, well
imagine what that would look like and feel like.
Of course I do not mean
in the commercial way so many people approach the season these days. I mean in
the way that has as its core – as its heart
impetus, the intention to demonstrate thoughtfulness.
Toward self care
This little lass uses her power to spread the “good word”
in song. Equally, she should be encouraged to exercise
her power to learn, grow wiser, take care of herself
and spread knowledge to others.
Today, we are better
able to ensure that future generations have greater access to information about
endo than we did … than we do. Government health
ministries seem to be making very little effort to effectively mass educate
about the endo pandemic. But the information is out there: caringly researched,
compiled and put forward by people who want to make the many different types of
endometriosis pain go away. Then once we become
aware, it is up to us first to change
our attitudes and demonstrate thoughtfulness toward our well-being.
The truth is that we can
be better equipped than ever before to take care of ourselves as we battle endometriosis today.
Learning about, then doing all the progressive healing things daily will be
just like giving yourself a gift each and every day: the gift of good health.
Sounds like Christmas to
In beauty may you walk
Photos by Jhaye-Q Baptiste
Want some Trinbago sunshine Christmas cheer? Hit the link Trinbago Come Good
Want some Trinbago sunshine Christmas cheer? Hit the link Trinbago Come Good