Letting in a Fix

Walking regularly at a decent pace is medicinal in a quick and refreshing way.
Holding hands helps lots, too.

KNOW THAT old highwayman predicament put to hapless prey: “Your money or your life?”
       Well imagine endo is the highwayman, but instead he puts it to you, “Your way of life or your life.” What do you do?
       Endometriosis, being a chronic, auto-immune type of disease, as with all others of that ilk, asks you to commit to lifestyle changes to see real results.
     “Such drastic measures!” I’ve had sistuhs say when I tell them some of what they can begin by doing. 
       Darlings, what’s more drastic than having your womb cut out? Yet, women are going along with that all over the place in my country ... women in their twenties and thirties, because some doctor “just said so.”
       Unless your endometriosis truly falls into the category of desperate-surgery-needed, there are ever so many adjustments you can make to battle the condition and come out reasonably, or even immensely, on top.
       Sure, some of these changes would involve big alterations to diet and exercise; altered outlooks on complimentary and alternative treatments; definitely cutting ties with toxic relationships or even jobs (stress is dangerous enough to normal, healthy people, imagine the havoc it wrecks on an endo-grrrll).
       Hear what, it’s not like a wedding: you don’t have to do it all in a fell swoop then live with the results. 
       Nay! There’s the “Jiffy-fix.” Namely, this is a little thing you can implement without much ado, that’s fairly easy to adhere to, but packs a wallop of over time, long-term, legitimate help punch.
       Here’s one that can have positive effects on your endometriosis issues and help you trim down while you’re at it. It’s pretty darn simple despite being a threesome programme.


Three’s Companionable

  1. Take a good Omega-3 twice a day. Bonus: if you take it before a meal it helps keep you cholesterol A-okay.
  2. Drink your recommended dosage of water. I say dosage, because water is the most underrated medicine on the planet. 8 glasses of 8 ounces spread out throughout the day is a good start. But once you get into gear for the third part of this Jiffy-fix you may need more than that.
  3. Wherever you’re going, walk a bit faster than you usually do. Be it to the bathroom, the corner grocery, up the steps at work, to the water-fountain for an 8 ounce dose – just walk a bit faster. After the first week, up the speed, then again, until you hit a happy medium.

       Remember lifestyle changes are so called because you are opting to live differently. But it may also be called that because it feels like a lifetime before you see results. 
       Commit, follow through faithfully for a month at least, measure results honestly (notice what benefits occur, more like it) before you make up your mind whether this Jiffy-fix is a keeper or not.

In beauty may you walk

Photo by Jhaye-Q Trinbago

Take in more Trinidad and Tobago talk. Link to Trinbago Come Good